Sunday, 28 September 2014

Whether to laugh or cry

To be quite honest I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry! There is on Torquay’s Cary Green a statue of Agatha Christie. They tell me that it is the only official statue of her, which may or may not be true. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that the other day a yellow planning notice was slapped on the plinth giving statutory notice of plans to redevelop the area and turn picturesque Cary Green into a car park serving a new hotel.
I don’t know whether you know Cary Green but I suspect that you will have travelled that way on numerous occasions. For me it has always been something of an oasis on Torquay’s crowded harbour-side and is much loved by many. There is a campaign to save it from becoming a car park. Of course you may feel that it doesn’t need saving and that a little thing like a colourful garden shouldn’t stand in the way of progress. The progress here is the building of an iconic hotel that will dominate the harbour area, reportedly bringing hundreds of jobs, providing numerous opportunities and endless happiness. I’ve made the last bit up but it does give you a taste of the supportive rhetoric.
All very interesting you might say, but what has it got to do we me? Well I will tell you what it has to do with you. The planning application came before a full meeting of our council a week or so ago and it was decided that it should not be openly debated. The decision was taken to make the process secret and that was immediately questioned by a number of councillors who worried about the democratic ethic. The consequence of this ‘secret squirrel’ delegated council policy is that the decision will be announced by the few to the many without open debate. Of course having said all that most council decisions can be overruled by our elected mayor which to me is a ‘democratic’ abnormality!
So here we are again looking at what holds our community together and what input we might have in the decision making process. We must keep an eye on what is being proposed and decide whether it is for the greater good or simply for the benefit of the few. In less than a year we will be electing local councillors and members of parliament. We will also, unless things change, be electing a mayor again.
This is the time to take a really good look at what is happening around us and decide whether proposed changes make sense. We all know that these are stormy financial times and so pay attention to where the public money is being spent. Look for the winners and the losers. Is the ‘spend’ for the good of all or once again for the benefit of the few?
Let me take you back briefly to the not knowing whether to laugh or cry. In last week’s Herald Express Paul Hawthorn, chairman of the Friends of Oldway, expressed concern over the lack of progress with redevelopment. At least this year the tennis courts have reopened and that has brought joy to hundreds of local people. Sadly the Oldway Mansion building is starting to look very sad indeed. Torbay Council responded to Paul’s concern by saying “Torbay Council is working closely with Akkeron to progress the development of Oldway into a four star hotel. Discussions are on-going and we will make further announcements at the appropriate time. The council is committed to securing the most favourable outcome for one of Torbay's most prized landmark buildings." I’m not sure what is being said here other than the situation is unchanged and likely to remain unchanged for a while.
As I have already said these are hard times and of course difficult decisions have to be made. It just seems to me that these decisions must be transparent and not be the result of ‘secret squirrel’ meetings. But I guess that will only happen if we all engage and contribute in a meaningful way. Why not contact your local councillor and ask for a Cary Green/Oldway update?
Keep the smile!

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