Friday, 14 June 2013

Simply Sitting Back Is Not An Option

My words in this week's Herald Express
Bird song bumped me from a restless sleep shortly after four this morning. Grey light crept into the house as I stumbled to the loo scratching hay-fever fuelled eyes with my mind ploughing the remnants of a dramatic dream-scape. I've always been fascinated by a dream world where time and location seem to have no limitation. My kaleidoscope mind captures all too often the dream memory and gives reality a curious twist.


Climbing back into bed I made a hopeless attempt at sleep but by then the daemons were already snapping and so I've been shuffling papers since then in the hope of hammering down a few loose ends. That exercise has had limited success but at least an attempt has been made. In these troubled times the number of loose ends seem to grow on a daily basis.


Talking of loose ends I was asked by a group yesterday whether I would consider standing for mayor! This is the second time I have been asked but this time by a different group of folk. Sadly I know that I would make a hopeless mayor since my mind is fractured and my body aching. It's not just that of course. To do that job you need to have the skin of a rhinoceros and that is also something I lack. I am aware though that quite a number of people locally are already gearing up in the hope of becoming the next head honcho in 2015.


I have also gone on record as saying that Torbay is too small for an executive mayor and that much power is therefore in the hands of one man (or woman) which goes, it seems to me, against the local democratic process. Gordon Oliver was also against the concept of an elected mayor and at the time of his election had sought clarity as to how the post could be terminated. It seems to me that this might be a time for an update followed hopefully by abolition! What do you think? Of course we would have to have another referendum to undo what has been done in creating the office but perhaps it is time to do exactly that.


Something happened the other day to make me smile. As many of you will know I have become increasingly concerned about the future of the multi million pound Parkfield Centre in Paignton. The new parkfield Centre with its international standard BMX track, for those of you who don’t know, is hidden behind the old Parkfield House at the north end of Paignton Green. That concern had me writing formally to Gordon Oliver and Director of Children’s Services Richard Williams. The response was immediate and at 0800hrs the following morning I found myself meeting Torbay’s cheerful Localities Service Manager Gail Rogers at Parkfield. Gail walked me around the grounds and paused for a while in front of the old Parkfield House. The grass had been cut and the estate tidied! That brought a smile to my battered face and her balanced view of what was happening buoyed me considerably. As I say these are hard times and therefore every reason for trying harder rather than simply shrugging drooping shoulders!

It’s all too easy to let things slip because it all seems so difficult and yet to be quite honest simply sitting back really shouldn’t be an option. It’s a bit like accepting the empty tennis courts at Oldway Mansion. Wimbledon is kicking off and the UK is about to go tennis mad. Work hasn’t started at Oldway yet the numerous tennis courts stand empty! But there you go, that’s the state of play. Or not!

This is your community and your time. We all need to engage in what is happening locally rather than waiting for someone else to make the running. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Get to know your local councillors. Help them to do what they have been elected to do. Attend if you can the occasional council committee meeting and perhaps a full council meeting. Write when you feel the need to comment, not necessarily just to point out what is making you unhappy but also to praise what is making you happy. For starters you can have a think about whether we need an elected mayor and make those views known. Why not drop your MP a line and get his view. Perhaps our mayor would also like to hear your views. Remember you do have a vote. At least you should have and so perhaps this is the time to check that your name is on the electoral roll!

Keep the smile.


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