Wednesday, 21 September 2011


I was the guest speaker this morning at the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy based at South Devon College.

“The Peter Jones Enterprise Academy is an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to realise and achieve their business dreams.
Set-up by Peter Jones, CBE, star of ‘Dragons’ Den’, the Academy was the first to offer further education courses in enterprise and entrepreneurship in the UK where students are actually required to set up and run their own business.”

My thing, obviously, was about the life of Harbour Sports from the idea, the creation, the life pattern up to and including today.

The today is the interesting part as the national economy balances on a knife edge. Today Nick Clegg will address the Liberal Party at their annual conference and bang on about the economy. Meanwhile TV star and shopping expert Mary Portas is galloping around the country attempting to stimulate life into lifeless high streets.

These are hard times and the increasing trend if for people to hide indoors and sink into the virtual world offered by the Internet and countless television channels.

Certainly we have noticed reduced footfall and a reluctance take hands out of pockets!
But taking hands out of pockets is what needs to happen for all sorts of reasons. Unless the economy lifts then we will head for curious places.

Now, whilst I was banging on about Harbour Sports I suddenly slipped into a sunnier place where people got out and did rather than sat down and watched. Windsurfers, surfers, kayakers, sailors, hikers, climbers and in point of fact people that got out and did.

You see, if the body and spirit is active then the mind will follow. SO GET OUT AND DO – LIVE THE LIFE – MAKE IT HAPPEN.


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