Tuesday, 28 December 2010

The Big Society?

Of course the post-Christmas period can be something of an anticlimax, especially if like me you find Christmas a magical time. But it is more than that. After digesting huge amounts of political rhetoric over the past six months I am attempting to understand what is really being said.

The odd thing is that the numerous U-turns, mind changes, broken promises and a myriad of other devices simply confuse us all. Poor old Vince Cable seems to be bouncing around all over the place, which is a shame because he is actually a clever man with, I thought, his feet on the ground. At the moment he appears to be in training to the British 2012 Olympic Gymnastics team, with the finest series of political flick flacks that I have seen for a very long time.

Watching the New Trinity of Cameron, Osborne and Clegg makes me shiver. Did you see the Captain SKA You Tube video clip? Worth a watch and I have added the link at the bottom of this rant. The thing is I didn’t vote for a coalition government and it upset me when Clegg jumped into bed with Cameron. Parliament, in my opinion, works best without a huge bundle of lemming politicians rushing in different directions when the pack leader coughs.

It was pleasing to see Torbay MP Adrian Sanders making a stand the other day and attempting to demonstrate that not all Liberal Democrats fly a flag of political convenience! Sometimes you have to stand up for what is right rather then being swooned by the offer of a ministerial chauffer driven car.

What 2011 holds really is in the proverbial lap of the gods since we are living though uncharted times and being buffeted by an international fiscal storm. If we are to get through these troubled times then we really must pull together and share the wealth. It seems to me that the evidence is stacked against that in this present political landscape and the worry is that the social disorder demonstrated by students recently will start to spread as more and more people become marginalised and disengaged.

So, let your life be lived for the good of all.

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