Tuesday, 28 December 2010

The Big Society?

Of course the post-Christmas period can be something of an anticlimax, especially if like me you find Christmas a magical time. But it is more than that. After digesting huge amounts of political rhetoric over the past six months I am attempting to understand what is really being said.

The odd thing is that the numerous U-turns, mind changes, broken promises and a myriad of other devices simply confuse us all. Poor old Vince Cable seems to be bouncing around all over the place, which is a shame because he is actually a clever man with, I thought, his feet on the ground. At the moment he appears to be in training to the British 2012 Olympic Gymnastics team, with the finest series of political flick flacks that I have seen for a very long time.

Watching the New Trinity of Cameron, Osborne and Clegg makes me shiver. Did you see the Captain SKA You Tube video clip? Worth a watch and I have added the link at the bottom of this rant. The thing is I didn’t vote for a coalition government and it upset me when Clegg jumped into bed with Cameron. Parliament, in my opinion, works best without a huge bundle of lemming politicians rushing in different directions when the pack leader coughs.

It was pleasing to see Torbay MP Adrian Sanders making a stand the other day and attempting to demonstrate that not all Liberal Democrats fly a flag of political convenience! Sometimes you have to stand up for what is right rather then being swooned by the offer of a ministerial chauffer driven car.

What 2011 holds really is in the proverbial lap of the gods since we are living though uncharted times and being buffeted by an international fiscal storm. If we are to get through these troubled times then we really must pull together and share the wealth. It seems to me that the evidence is stacked against that in this present political landscape and the worry is that the social disorder demonstrated by students recently will start to spread as more and more people become marginalised and disengaged.

So, let your life be lived for the good of all.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The mythical cucumber......

The next government spokesman to say that student loans are interest free I will beat around the head with a mythical cucumber! That a student loan is interest free is simply not true. Interest is applied to the loan from the START of the FIRST term and continues to build as the undergraduate years go by.

Being told that you have to pay nothing back until you earn over £21,000 is again misleading because if your first job pays below that then the student loan balloon continues to expand like volcanic magma as the interest builds.

But it’s not just about student loans. Students are mercilessly encouraged to use sizable bank loans and credit cards as a route to get even deeper in debt. Therefore by the time they graduate the debt is really enormous and super heating if graduation includes huge card debt. With the new fee structure it will be possible to have a graduation debt of anywhere between £30000 and £50000. That is serious debt.

Do you know that higher education can seriously damage your financial health?

Think about this, a young graduate couple could be starting life together with a debt of perhaps £100,000, which really is shocking. £100,000 – that really is unbelievable. Welcome to the future boys and girls!

I’ve been banging on about this stuff since 1999 when the first horde of undergraduate lemmings hurtled toward what they thought was the bright new future under mega star Tony Blair. Sadly David Cameron is now ‘compounding’ it and Vince Cable seems to have done a complete U turn with the energy of an Olympic gymnast.

My generation, sadly, has done a very good job of spending our children’s future whilst at the same time crippling the international financial structure.

Welcome to bedlam.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Tall Ships and Warm Winds

A warm wind is blowing today across Torbay and my mind is filled with feelings of freedom. Years ago I always knew when this sort of wind arrived it was time for me to be on the move. It is the wind that moves a tall ship across the miles of ocean, large sails filled and the sea rushing past. There is nothing else that comes close to the emotion that sends a shiver through every part of me.

We live in complicated times where so much is changing and sadly not for the better. The thing about working on a tall ship is that everyone has to pull together for a common purpose. Yet today too many people don't pull for the greater good and simply take without giving.

My theme for 2010 has been about pulling together but to do that you really have to question your own life. In the words of folk singer Tom Paxton "My own life is all I can hope to control and so my life be lived for the good of my soul."

It's a start.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Macro and Micro - we're all splashing about!

This little effort by me was published in The Herald Express (South Devon) today...They say that money doesn’t make you happy and that may well be true. But what is also very true is the fact that not having enough money to make ends meet can make you unhappy. Very unhappy indeed! Now, I’m not talking about whether you have enough cash to take an annual holiday or to buy another fun toy. I’m talking about the very basic stuff of life, simply having a place to feel safe, to feel warm and enough food to keep you and your loved ones going. The sort of stuff that holds a family and indeed a community together
The “not having enough money syndrome” in Torbay is having a bigger and bigger impact on a daily basis. Of course you may, after reading the Herald Express and listening to local radio regularly, say that is obviously true. If you are the one with not enough money to gather the most basic things together then you will know only too well that it is true. The difference now is that the number of people having sleepless nights and early morning panic attacks about the future is steadily growing and perhaps you are one of them. You see, that “not having enough money “ to make ends meet is impacting on a bigger and bigger slice of the local population. For example you may have recently retired and looked at what your ‘pension pot’ has produced and wonder where all those contributions went. That of course is a rhetorical question that you may want to ask the bankers, the hedge fund managers, the myriad of financial advisers and other fiscal predators. Or perhaps you are a recent graduate clutching many thousands of pounds of student debt, a huge bank loan, punishing credit card balances and no meaningful job prospect– or indeed simply no job at all, especially in Torbay!
My life, so far, has always been an adventure in one way or another. Having started out as a teacher, thirty or so years ago I jumped ship and founded Harbour Sports with my brother-in-law Julian Smith back in 1978. Over that time I’ve watched Torbay go from being an exciting and vibrant community to the curious place that it is now, a sort of topsy-turvy confused collection of folk that increasingly resemble something out of Alice in Wonderland. Of course in these troubled times this perhaps is nothing more than a reflection of what is happening in the wider world. Or is it? It’s not just the physical structure of the place that has changed, it is also the very nature of the community. Hmm, community, now there really is a very interesting concept. I believe so very much in the power of the community, the sharing of experience and the support for each other. You see, without that bond we become a very lonely crowd indeed.
There are changes within Torbay, and of course the wider world, that can be both subtle and shocking. “Subtle and shocking” , what on earth is he talking about? Let’s do the shocking first. In addition to my daily activity at Harbour Sports I also work as a lecturer at South Devon College. One little project that I had a hand in was something for Foundation degree students called Enterprise Exchange. Getting a degree is one thing, making it work in a wider context is quite something else as all too many recent graduates have discovered. My theme for this activity was something that I call the ‘Tsunami of Change’ where disruption in society is so sudden it is very much like a very large tidal wave. This wall of water is hugely damaging on the way in and even more catastrophic on the way out as all sorts of junk washes back to the ocean. That is exactly what has happened and is happening in the financial markets! Being hit by the economic knee-jerk reaction is one thing but then to face the socially damaging dumping of jobs is an evil fiscal tool; and that is what is happening now. The impact on the individual of job loss is emotionally hurtful, on the family debilitating and in the community it causes division.
I think that it was Dr Albert Schweitzer, the founder of the leper hospital village in Africa, who said “The tragedy of life is what dies inside of a man while he still lives.” That has always worried me, and these days I am beginning to see the creeping evidence of that very thing in our society. So what have I noticed?
Well, the shocking changes above in the wider economy tend to grab the headlines and why wouldn’t they? But there are the more subtle social changes that tend to creep up on us. It’s a bit like water dripping on limestone. At first you don’t really notice but as time passes you end up with something the size of Kent’s Cavern!
The first thing is the difference between rhetoric and reality. For example take a look at the change between Gallows Gate and Tweenaway Cross. In the not too distant past there were a number of large holiday camps dotted along the ring road, but today they’ve gone and have been replaced by housing estates. First one went, then another and then all of them. Of course things change and that is the nature of progress, however the nature of that adjustment to change can be a matter of choice. Surely there are things that we can quietly accept and other where we really do need to take action.
As I’ve said, for me much of the past thirty years have been spent working on Paignton’s lovely little harbour. At the time when the Mayor’s Vision for the harbour suddenly popped up I did go into print pointing out that this was a living community rather than an abstract plot for development. Whilst on the topic of visions the question has to be asked whether Nick Bye is a Man of Vision or a man having visions. If it is the latter then it may be a medical condition that requires the help of a doctor or a skilled psychotherapist with an interest in the nature of night time’s dreams. If it is the former then we must have the checks and balances before the colouring book becomes a reality with unforeseen consequences.
Paignton harbour has a rich and colourful history dotted with charismatic characters such as Peter Pannel, Joe Lane and Captain Ron Richards. It has until quite recently been a community of folk woven together by a love of the sea, but we live in curious times and small changes can have quite a big impact. Take as an example the closing of the Post Office not too long ago. This was a community hub, a daily contact point for many and a source of local awareness. When Monica died alone in her flat it was the guy in the Post Office who went immediately to check on her because she had not dropped in for her stamps which, as a letter writer, she did each day. Harbour Sports were able to post parcels rather than do what we do now which is to send a man in a van half way across the town leaving a large carbon footprint.
Furthermore there are other worrying changes around the harbour like the sudden proliferation of prohibition notices, including one in the middle of a little memorial garden, which has angered the North Quay boatmen. The Vision shows a redevelopment of this harbour as a hub for folk that I don’t recognise at all from the artists impressions which show smartly dressed athletic people striding on the east quay (it is worth pointing out that the east quay in winter often ships green waves over the harbour wall) and I wonder where the locals have been relocated!
Now here’s the thing. Most importantly what must happen if you want to captivate a local population is that people have to believe. Occasional success is the catalyst and that too often is not recognised. For example recently Paignton Community and Sports College received ‘outstanding’ from OFSTED inspectors. There should have been dancing in the streets because this is a COMMUNITY school! Young people work through community awards and dozens achieve Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. The latter requires that they not only work for themselves but also have to work for the community. This sort of thing is socially cohesive and it washes through the community.
Ultimately it is all about community and unless we pull together, stop and pick the paper from the floor, help a neighbour without seeking reward then the future is bleak. These are hard times, very hard times, but that is no excuse for walking around with a face like a slapped kipper. Let’s start by supporting each other, use local amenities like the Riviera Centre as a community hub, swim in the sea, paddle a kayak, walk the coastal path, support local business and keep in good order the living fabric of Torbay. Now there’s a Vision!

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Torbay in Bloom...perhaps

I guess one of the big things that does worry me, despite the new Conservative government's best attempt, is the gradual erosion of community. You have only to pass homes in the early evening to see that folk now face away from the window and toward the television or computer screen.

But that is not what I want to talk about. Take a good look at the picture above. Torbay Council have planted this prohibition notice on the edge of this lovely little garden on the western edge of Paignton Harbour. No planning permission is required by Torbay Council for notices and if you take the trouble you will notice loads of similar signs polluting the most beautiful places.

The story behind the anchor is that it was fished up some years ago by Tug Boat Captain Andy Ricks and brought back to the harbour. The anchor was dropped by a 19th Century sailing ship and therefore has considerable history. The anchor has become something of a memorial to all the past fisher folk of Paignton who will, like the rest of this community, be saddened to see this ugly notice now polluting this little garden. I did get the Herald Express to take a little picture and said what I have been written above, but sadly story didn't run. It seems that they had spoken to the local harbour superintendent who said that it was not an official monument. Oh dear oh dear.

Sadly, for me, this is another example of the systematic erosion of community life and the careless attitude to things that local people cherish.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

The Sad Self-Certified Mortgage departs

I wrote this back in 2003 and posted on the BBC Moneybox website....

"Self-certification is all too easy of course. In a society where debt is the norm, does listing a unrealistic salary matter? Of course it matters. And it matters very much when the house is lost and sold on to one of the many folk out there just waiting for property to fall back on to the market at a silly price through mortgage default. So no, unchecked self-certification is not a good idea. Frank Sobey"

If you have listened to the news today you will gather that at last these poisonous mortgages, which in part have been responsible to the Credit Crunch by ripping off the less fiscally aware whilst boosting the bonus culture, will cease. Those caught in the trap had not a leg to stand on because THEY had signed to say that their income was much more than it actually was. Those responsible too often were hugely irresponsible!

Just needed to get that off my chest!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Pain and little gain....?

Well he seems happy enough, which is more than can be said for many. In point of fact too many. It's a tough old world and getting tougher by the hour. I didn't vote for this new Conservative Government ( I voted Lib DEm!) but I guess that is democracy - or is it?

I am still a believer in representation by the the people, that those who live in an area represent their neighbours at a national level. Now many say that nothing would ever get done, nothing would be achieved, too much would never get to a vote. I somehow doubt that because the fact that perhaps a majority voting freely doesn't pass something that a political faction wants is often a good thing.

We all know that times are hard, but the comments made by George's boss yesterday did little other than scare ordinary folk and probably slowed the economy yet again.

.....and it's raining again....

Sunday, 9 May 2010

A bad dream that could today become a reality!

I woke up in not the best of moods today and suspect that the thought of NICK CLEGG and DAVID CAMERON tucked up in bed together has caused my mood and quite honestly fills me with horror. I also suspect that thought will upset so many people who voted Lib Dem to stop a Conservative domination of Westminster. Yes we need a better voting system than the antiquated first past the post – but this is not the way to do it…
frank sobey

Monday, 19 April 2010

Taking the time to vote

Last week we had the joy of the first ever televised debate between the three main leaders dominating the parliamentary landscape. Most people seem to agree that Nick Clegg stood head and shoulders above the other two and managed to captivate viewers. Certainly the Lib Dem ratings lifted considerably.

I've been out and about supporting Adrian Sanders who has done a fantastic job as Member for Torbay and is now seeking election once again. Adrian is a 'local lad' with a clear understanding of what it means to live in Torbay. It is a shame that so many parliamentary candidates seem to be "imports" rather than local!

What I really wanted to say is that most people seem to have only one man in mind as the next Chancellor of the Exchequer - VINCE CABLE and I am sure that this is also a contributary factor in the surge of Lib Dem popularity. Back in 2006 I made myself quite ill worrying about where we were all heading economically. I worried that we were more like lemmings rather than hamsters. You see a hamster simply spins the wheel and is safe from harm. We all know about lemmings.

Vince Cable wrote a brilliant little book called The Storm : The World Economic Crisis and What it Means. Dr Vince Cable is a clever man and clearly understands the way ahead. By the way you can help the economy by supporting local bookshops and I know that Torbay Bookshop has this book in stock (http://www.torbaybookshop.co.uk/).

As a Lib Dem I hope that power shifts that way, however whoever forms the next government l pray that they have the wisdom to make Vice Cable the next Chancellor!

Frank Sobey

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The Sign of the Cross

In the banter of conversation that escapes around the edges of an excited group it is possible, from time to time, to catch a snippet that somehow underpins my thinking about the increasingly secular society that we inhabit. The story, being told by a lad of perhaps sixteen or seventeen, was of a visit with his school to a large 'cathedral thing' in Bristol. It seems that the whole experience was a little scary, but the scariest thing was a huge 'cross thing' hanging from the roof . For a moment I thought there would be punch line but there wasn't and so this was simply the telling of a story.

Of course the giant cross was the essential truth underpinning two-thousand years of English Christianity, which in the scheme of things had passed this young man without impacting at all. But then in this secular world why should it?

Well it seems to me that somewhere is the maelstrom of educational theory someone has made the decision to extract this topic from the curriculum and in doing so has given history a sort of lobotomy. This is of course not a matter of faith but of the correct telling of our story so far. Meanwhile I have to report that the story being told by young friend seemed to be greeted with looks of shared bafflement. Hey ho....

Sunday, 3 January 2010

My own life is all that I can hope to control

Singer-songwriter Tom Paxton wrote many beautiful songs with some clever and meaningful lyrics. For me perhaps the most captivating words formed part of the song 'Peace Will Come'..."My own life is all I can hope to control, oh let my life be lived for the good of my soul.'

Well there you have it! We live in curious times and the only way we will change things is to stop thinking about what we can't do and start thinking about what we can do. If as Tom Paxton suggests that your own life is all you can hope to control then that has to be a good starting point as we lurch into 2010!

One of the things that has always had me scratching my head is this unwillingness to take responsibility for daily events. We here's one little exercise to help change that. Pick up a brush and sweep the pavement outside your house. While you are at it give the gutter a quick brush also. Now look around and think about neighbours who can't do that simple thing because of illness or infirmity and give their pavement a quick brush. Now you have done something to improve your environment and also helped others.

Do all this with a friendly smile that will radiate and light up the world. Happy New Year.....