Sunday, 3 January 2010

My own life is all that I can hope to control

Singer-songwriter Tom Paxton wrote many beautiful songs with some clever and meaningful lyrics. For me perhaps the most captivating words formed part of the song 'Peace Will Come'..."My own life is all I can hope to control, oh let my life be lived for the good of my soul.'

Well there you have it! We live in curious times and the only way we will change things is to stop thinking about what we can't do and start thinking about what we can do. If as Tom Paxton suggests that your own life is all you can hope to control then that has to be a good starting point as we lurch into 2010!

One of the things that has always had me scratching my head is this unwillingness to take responsibility for daily events. We here's one little exercise to help change that. Pick up a brush and sweep the pavement outside your house. While you are at it give the gutter a quick brush also. Now look around and think about neighbours who can't do that simple thing because of illness or infirmity and give their pavement a quick brush. Now you have done something to improve your environment and also helped others.

Do all this with a friendly smile that will radiate and light up the world. Happy New Year.....